Credit Counseling Courses Required

Watch this video to learn about the credit counseling courses required for bankruptcy in South Jersey. Then call Andrew Carroll for a free review.


What credit counseling courses are required when filing for bankruptcy?


In New Jersey, one of the requirements for filing for bankruptcy is that you have to take a credit counseling course. This course can be done online and takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete. It is fairly inexpensive and fairly easy to take. If you have any questions about credit counseling courses or anything else related to your bankruptcy, or are wondering what you might need to do to prepare and what your obligations are, please contact our office.

Are you or a loved one dealing with a mountain of debt and have questions about credit counseling courses required for bankruptcy? Contact experienced South Jersey bankruptcy lawyer Andrew Carroll of All Jersey Bankruptcy today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

We are dedicated to giving you the answers that you need in order to make an informed decision about whether bankruptcy is the best decision option for you.

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